Die Meetup-Sprache ist Englisch. Registrierte Teilnehmer:innen erhalten einen Zugangslink für eine Microsoft Teams-Eventseite und eine Schnellstartanleitung für die Teilnahme. Das anschließende Networking wird durch den Instant Messenger der DroneMasters ermöglicht.
68. DroneMasters Meetup
60 Minuten volle "Drohnung" - gefolgt von Networking & Austausch

Intro. DroneMasters Meetup #068

Frank Wernecke
Founder & CEO
Frank Wernecke is the founder and CEO of DroneMasters Boost GmbH, a consultancy focusing on vertical mobility and drones. He is also the founding partner of the DroneMasters Academy, which inspires kids and young adults to become tomorrow's inventors, developers, and entrepreneurs.
Sparking mass adoption: Smartphone-powered drone delivery

Shubh Malde & Jan Kryca
Shubh and Jan left Chicago and Harvard after founding Arda, recognizing that full-stack outsourcing and high-barrier-to-entry hardware were impeding drone delivery's mass adoption. Arda enables traditional delivery operators to become drone delivery operators and is working with West African government and healthcare providers to deliver critical medical items.
Investing in drone technology - How the UAV ETF is structured

Dan Ahrens
Managing Director
Dan Ahrens is Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer of AdvisorShares, an investment firm that specializes in actively managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Dan is the Portfolio Manager for the AdvisorShares Drone Technology ETF (UAV). Dan’s twenty-plus years of experience in the investment management industry has spanned portfolio management, sales and administration. His extensive expertise has also overseen operations, finance and compliance, which has helped lead AdvisorShares to offer more actively managed ETFs than any other fund sponsor.
Equity Crowdfunding - Insights from a Drone OEM

Frank Noppel
Co-Founder & CEO
Founded in 2018, blueflite provides a drone-based logistics platform for faster and more cost-effective deliveries. The company has just successfully completed a funding raising campaign through an equity crowdfunding platform. Frank Noppel, serial entrepreneur and aerospace enthusiast, will talk about his experiences with this funding raising tool.
Processing Cybernetic IoT Systems in the State of Suspension

Csaba Singer
Csaba Singer studied aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart and deepened his knowledge in the field of thermodynamics at the University of Exeter. Since then, he has devoted himself to explosive issues concerning the energy transition, especially solar thermal energy, at the Institute of Solar Research of the German Aerospace Center. He is currently active in the field of management and business development.
Die Online-Anmeldung ist zwingend erforderlich. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, kurzfristig und ohne Vorankündigung Änderungen am Programm vorzunehmen - daraus ergibt sich kein Anspruch auf Rückerstattung.
Die DroneMasters bilden das führende branchenübergreifende Netzwerk rund um vertikale Mobilität und Drohnen. Bei den DroneMasters Meetups teilen Experten und Enthusiastinnen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft, Verwaltung und Politik ihr Wissen und ihre Ideen, um die nachhaltige Nutzung von Drohnen aktiv zu gestalten. Um es kurzweilig zu halten, sind die einzelnen Impulse auf 10 Minuten begrenzt. Vortragssprache ist Englisch.