Die Meetup-Sprache ist Englisch. Registrierte Teilnehmer:innen erhalten einen Zugangslink für eine Microsoft Teams-Eventseite und eine Schnellstartanleitung für die Teilnahme. Das anschließende Networking wird durch den Instant Messenger der DroneMasters ermöglicht.
66. DroneMasters Meetup
60 Minuten volle "Drohnung" - Teil der Berlin Science Week
Intro. DroneMasters Meetup #066
Frank Wernecke
Founder & CEO
Frank Wernecke is the founder and CEO of DroneMasters Boost GmbH, a consultancy focusing on vertical mobility and drones. He is also the founding partner of the DroneMasters Academy, which inspires kids and young adults to become tomorrow's inventors, developers, and entrepreneurs.
Engaging Women in the Drone Industry
Desi Ekstein
UAS instructor, Founder
Desi Ekstein, known better in the industry as Drone Diva Desi. Ms. Ekstein is an Adjunct Instructor of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at TCI MiraCosta College, in Carlsbad California. Desi has over 8 years of remote piloting experience, is an FAA Certified 107 Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC) and is an AUVSI TOP Certification Category Level 3 Remote Pilot/Instructor status. Desi is an International Keynote speaker and a published author on UAS safety and operations. She is also a Lead Representative FAA UAS/Drone Safety in San Diego California, and an ambassador for Women and Drones. Desi has logged UAS commercial flight hours in a wide variety of industrial applications and provides educational instruction for the Remote Pilot Part 107 exam. She also teaches at Elementary Institute of Science (EIS) for the "Girls Take Flight" as part of a young female STEM program and for On The Go Video.biz. Desi's goal is to continue her expertise as both a UAS commercial pilot, educator, and to play a leading role in promoting UAS safe operations.
Smarter, faster, better? Potential and challenges of integrating Drones in the provision of future healthcare
Mina Baumgarten
Projektleitung MV|LIFE|DRONE
Dr. Baumgarten has been the lead of MV|LIFE|DRONE UAS working group at Universitätsmedizin Greifswald since 2018. Together with Prof. Klaus Hahnenkamp the working group has realized two project phases so far on integrating medical drones into the chain of survival. Dr. Baumgarten, a medical doctor herself, is an experienced professional in healthcare delivery, health system evaluation, design and management. In addition to her academic work she is head of department responsible for digital health and innovation at Vivantes-Netzwerk für Gesundheit a major community owned hospital and healthcare provider in Berlin.
Drones in medical care - milestones and challenges
Sabrina John
Sabrina John is CEO of the software company GLVI Gesellschaft für Luftverkehrsinformatik, and project leader of „Medifly Hamburg“. She is active in the drone association UAV DACH e.V. as a board member and working group leader. And she is a member of the Drone Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport.
Emergency drone interventions for healthcare and critical infrastructure
Mikael Shamim
Mikael Shamim is CEO of drone company Helicus, based in Antwerp, Belgium. He combines a healthcare management background with his aviation passion. Mikael advocates EU level collaboration to develop effective and affordable drone-based transport solutions. This is reflected through the open HAI ecosystem (“Helicus Aero Initiative”) that creates and drives federal and European projects towards enabling safe and societal beneficial aerial solutions.
Die Online-Anmeldung ist zwingend erforderlich. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, kurzfristig und ohne Vorankündigung Änderungen am Programm vorzunehmen - daraus ergibt sich kein Anspruch auf Rückerstattung.
Die DroneMasters bilden das führende branchenübergreifende Netzwerk rund um vertikale Mobilität und Drohnen. Bei den DroneMasters Meetups teilen Experten und Enthusiastinnen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft, Verwaltung und Politik ihr Wissen und ihre Ideen, um die nachhaltige Nutzung von Drohnen aktiv zu gestalten. Um es kurzweilig zu halten, sind die einzelnen Impulse auf 10 Minuten begrenzt. Vortragssprache ist Englisch.