62. DroneMasters Meetup

60 Minuten volle "Drohnung" - gefolgt von Networking & Austausch


Die Meetup-Sprache ist Englisch. Registrierte Teilnehmer:innen erhalten einen Zugangslink für eine Microsoft Teams-Eventseite und eine Schnellstartanleitung für die Teilnahme. Das anschließende Networking wird durch den Instant Messenger der DroneMasters ermöglicht.



Intro. DroneMasters Meetup #062

Frank Wernecke

Frank Wernecke

Founder & CEO

Frank Wernecke is the founder and CEO of DroneMasters Boost GmbH, a consultancy focusing on vertical mobility and drones. He is also the founding partner of the DroneMasters Academy, which inspires kids and young adults to become tomorrow's inventors, developers, and entrepreneurs.

DroneMasters Boost GmbH, Berlin (de), dronemasters.com

Building partnerships for a better drone ecosystem

Jonelle Hanson

Jonelle Hanson


Jonelle Hanson is a transportation planner focusing on business development and research. She has over 15 years of experience in the transportation industry. Her experience is focused on incorporating travel demand models to aid in corridor studies, developing regional transportation plans, as well as conducting transportation and land use studies for cities and communities across the US. Her career developed from an intersection of personal interest in transportation and land use, including urban mobility, future growth scenarios, and the street design of cities and how that impacts the quality of life. She is currently pursuing an executive MBA at the University of Mannheim Business School.


AI-driven drone solutions for logistics

Eugene Grankin

Eugene Grankin

Founder & CEO

Eugene Grankin is Tech entrepreneur and visionary and Supply Chain Disruptor. He has more than 12 years of experience in logistics and warehousing at the Shell Group and Huhtamaki. In 2018 he founded UVL Robotics, an AI-driven drone provider for logistics and alumni of top-ranked Silicon Valley's accelerator Alchemist and a winner of AUVSI US Award.

UVL Robotics, www.uvl.io

UAM as Mobility Infrastructure

Felipe Varon

Felipe Varon

CEO & Founder

CEO and Founder of Varon Vehicles Corporation, Electrical Engineer with 18 years of experience in leading edge military technology, deeply involved with military and civilian Unmanned Aerial Systems including tactical and strategic systems, drone expert and operator, with graduate studies in Finances, Contracting Law, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in several Universities including Harvard and MIT. Recognized as one of the early inventors of the drone since the late 90's, with the vision that these would develop for future urban mobility use. Today his company is leading an Urban Air Mobility ecosystem in Latin America targeted towards first UAM systems implementation.

Varon Vehicles, www.varonvehicles.com


Die Online-Anmeldung ist zwingend erforderlich. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, kurzfristig und ohne Vorankündigung Änderungen am Programm vorzunehmen - daraus ergibt sich kein Anspruch auf Rückerstattung.


Die DroneMasters bilden das führende branchenübergreifende Netzwerk rund um vertikale Mobilität und Drohnen. Bei den DroneMasters Meetups teilen Experten und Enthusiastinnen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft, Verwaltung und Politik ihr Wissen und ihre Ideen, um die nachhaltige Nutzung von Drohnen aktiv zu gestalten. Um es kurzweilig zu halten, sind die einzelnen Impulse auf 10 Minuten begrenzt. Vortragssprache ist Englisch.



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